SetCompare: Select the sets to compare

The SetCompare utility is experimental. It allows you to compare two sets of molecules based on their structural features.
Please, provide the two sets available options below.

1Select the compounds in the first set:

Upload compounds from a file
SDF, MOL2, SMILES or an Excel sheet
Draw Molecule
click on depiction to the right to draw
e.g., "CC=CCC" or "Aspirine"
Choose a previously prepared set: [...]
Select molecules by a tag: [...]
2Select the compounds in the second set:

Upload compounds from a file
SDF, MOL2, SMILES or an Excel sheet
Draw Molecule
click on depiction to the right to draw
e.g., "CC=CCC" or "Aspirine"
Choose a previously prepared set: [...]
Select molecules by a tag: [...]